WWW – Wednesday, July 5th 2023

Hey guys! It’s time for another WWW – Wednesday. Last time I did one of these it was the end of May. I’ve been reading a lot lately. I’ve been making TBRs and sticking with them. I’m trying to catch up with my Netgalley books. You’ll be seeing my July TBR tomorrow. So let’s dive in and see what I’m reading, read and plan to read soon!

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words and to participate all you have to do is answer the three W’s listed below. Once you’ve posted your WWW, drop a link to your post in Sam’s comments <3’s!

These questions are:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Going Bicoastal By Dahlia Adler

I’ve been really excited for this. I love that it’s about the character and what if she stayed in New York and what if she left to go to California for the summer. However, I’m finding the constant back and forth is throwing me off a bit. I’m still interested to see what’s going to happen.

House of Roots and Ruin By Erin A. Craig

Ah I still can’t believe I’m reading this. I honestly still can’t believe this is a thing. I’m really enjoying it so far. I really can’t wait to see where this story is going to go. I really liked the first book and so far this one is really enjoyable.

Recently Finished

Coven By Taous Merakchi, Da Coffee Time (Illustrator)

I randomly decided to pick this up. I saw someone had reviewed it on their blog & it was available to read now on Netgalley. Plus I like witchy stories. I’ve always enjoyed The Craft and that movie poster can be seen throughout the comic. Overall I enjoyed this. I thought it could have went into more depth about certain things. It was a enjoyable witchy read. Witchy stories always give me fall vibes and this would be a fun fall read.

Reading Next

The Third Daughter By Adrienne Tooley

I’m doing the blog tour for this book. I’m trying to get on top of these so I’m not rushing to do the posts. I love the cover of this book so much. Plus the summary sounds so good. I can’t wait to pikc this one up after House of Roots and Ruin.

What are some books you read, finished, and plan on reading soon? Any of the books above? I would love to hear from you guys in the comments below!

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