October Wrap-up

Hey guys, We are just coasting through this year. I was hoping for a better October. I feel I hit a pretty big mental block. Mentally this month has been a bit rough for me. Thankfully towards the end of this month and by the time this goes up I’ll be traveling around Japan so that will be nice! That will definitely help. Anyway, let’s dive in to see what I read!

Maeve Fly By C.J. Leede

My Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
My Thoughts: I was looking forward to this book, just from the cover alone. It’s so cool looking! However this book fell flat for me. I wouldn’t really describe this book as horror. It’s more torture aspects and then later in the book there are some horror aspects. Plus, the main character contradicts herself with her actions. There ends up being a big part to the story that she’s shocked when she finds out. I’m sorry this was so obvious! I don’t know how she ended up missing it but girl that was dumb. Overall I’m bummed about this one.

This was a buddy read with Destiny!

Silent Key By Laurel Hightower

My Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
My Thoughts: Man, I don’t know if it’s me or what but man I spent way longer than I would have liked reading this. I really found myself struggling with this one. I think I felt that it was very slow. I also couldn’t focus on what was going on (I think that’s more a me problem) I think I’m also just not really into supernatural horror books.

*Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

This has been such a disappointing October. I thought I’d read a little more before I go away. I also was hoping to read at least something I enjoyed. I’m a bit bummed but hoping for better luck in the next couple of months. 

What books did you end up reading in October? Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think of them?

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