Revisiting My Reading Goals I Still Want to Accomplish Before the End of the Year Post

Hey guys! I originally wasn’t going to post today, that’s why this is posting a bit late than normal. I decided I would revisit my Top Ten Tuesday post from October 3rd. This is where I discuss my reading goals I still want to accomplish before the end of the year. I honestly forgot what my goals were. I figured it be fun to see if I actually completed any of those goals. You can find that post HERE. So let’s dive in!

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Blogmas Day 17: Blog Tour – The Vacation By John Marrs

The Vacation By John Marrs

ISBN: 9781335006042
Price: 18.99 US | 23.99 CAD
Publication Date: December 19th 2023
Thriller, Fiction, Mystery, Mystery Thriller, Crime, Suspense, Contemporary, Adult, LGBT
Where to Buy: 
Harlequin| BookShop| Barnes & Noble| Amazon| Books-A-Million

Plot: How far would you run to escape your past?

Venice Beach, Los Angeles. A paradise on earth. Tourists flock to the golden coast and the promise of Hollywood. But for eight strangers at a beach-front hostel, there is far more on their minds than an extended vacation. All of them are running from something. And they all have secrets they’d kill to keep…

This holiday-set read is a compulsive and addictive thriller, perfect for fans of T.M. Logan.

Author Bio: John Marrs is an author and former journalist based in London and Northamptonshire. After spending his career interviewing celebrities from the worlds of television, film and music for numerous national newspapers and magazines, he is now a full-time author. His books include No1 bestseller and Netflix series The One, The Passengers, award winning What Lies Between Us and The Good Samaritan. Follow him at , on Twitter @johnmarrs1, on Instagram and on Facebook at

Social Links: Author WebsiteInstagram| Facebook| Twitter| TikTok

Continue reading “Blogmas Day 17: Blog Tour – The Vacation By John Marrs”

Blogmas Day 13: WWW – Wednesday, December 13th 2023

Hey guys! It’s time for another WWW – Wednesday. I’ve been slowly reading this month. I think I need to pick up an audiobook or something. I like my current read but I guess not loving it. I hope to read more than two books this month.

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words and to participate all you have to do is answer the three W’s listed below. Once you’ve posted your WWW, drop a link to your post in Sam’s comments <3’s!

These questions are:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

Continue reading “Blogmas Day 13: WWW – Wednesday, December 13th 2023”

Blogmas Day 12: Top Ten Tuesday –  Books On My Winter 23-24 To-Read List

lHey guys! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme for this week is  Books On My Winter 2023-2024 To-Read List. I’ve been struggling a bit make a TBR. I’ve kind of just been picking up books. I’m going to pick with some books that I plan to read soon, hopefully I actually do that. Let’s dive in!

Continue reading “Blogmas Day 12: Top Ten Tuesday –  Books On My Winter 23-24 To-Read List”

Kindle Unlimited TBR

Hey guys, I decided instead of doing a November TBR I would do a Kindle Unlimited TBR. I don’t really think I’ll be doing too much reading in November. I’m away for some of it then when I get back it’s almost Thanksgiving. I figured I’d still try. Plus I just got a Kindle for my birthday and have Kindle Unlimited for three months. I want to try to get my use out of it. So let’s dive in!

Continue reading “Kindle Unlimited TBR”