April Wrap-up

Hey guys! Well April has come and gone. I actually had a pretty rough reading month. I had a good amount of books planned to read and I’ve only read one. I just was hoping to have a couple of books finished. Plus I’ve barely blogged or blog hopped this month. I’m hoping to change that this month. *fingers crossed* I also think whenever work gets busy for me I don’t blog as much. I do use my free time at work to blog so that’s also partly why. Anyway, I’m excited to share what I read this month. I’m hoping next month is better. Let’s dive in!

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April TBR

Hey guys! It’s so wild to me that it’s already April. I feel every TBR, I’m shocked that it’s already the next month. I don’t know when I’ll ever not be shocked. Anyway, I feel March was a great reading month for me. I liked everything I read besides one book. Let’s hope that April is just as successful. Let’s dive in to see what I want to read in April!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Love Freebie

Hey guys! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme for this week is Love Freebie. I’m going to post about the Adult Romances I have on my TBR. I’ve been getting into romance a lot recently. I don’t have too many adult romances on there but I’m sure that will change. Anyway let’s see which adult romances are currently on there.

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