WWW – Wednesday, November 15th 2023

Hey guys! It’s time for another WWW – Wednesday. Overall, I haven’t been reading much lately. I did read two books when traveling. Since I’ve been home I’ve been dealing with a lot of jetlag. I’m slowly getting back into my routine, taking it one day at a time.

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words and to participate all you have to do is answer the three W’s listed below. Once you’ve posted your WWW, drop a link to your post in Sam’s comments <3’s!

These questions are:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

Continue reading “WWW – Wednesday, November 15th 2023”

Kindle Unlimited TBR

Hey guys, I decided instead of doing a November TBR I would do a Kindle Unlimited TBR. I don’t really think I’ll be doing too much reading in November. I’m away for some of it then when I get back it’s almost Thanksgiving. I figured I’d still try. Plus I just got a Kindle for my birthday and have Kindle Unlimited for three months. I want to try to get my use out of it. So let’s dive in!

Continue reading “Kindle Unlimited TBR”