Mid Year Book Freakout Tag

Hey guys! I’m a bit behind on this but I thought it would still be fun to post. I’ve been seeing so many other people doing this. I seriously can’t believe it’s mid year (now even later). I had a good time going through the books I’ve read and picking what fits best. I did this up until June 2023. I just finished a book that would have been perfect for one of the questions. You guys will just have to wait for that. I can’t wait to see what I read these next couple of months. So let’s dive in!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag

Hey guys! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme for this week is Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag. Happy 4th everyone! I’m from the USA so I’ll pick picking covers with red, white and blue in them. Let’s dive in to see my picks!

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