April Wrap-up

Hey guys! Well April has come and gone. I actually had a pretty rough reading month. I had a good amount of books planned to read and I’ve only read one. I just was hoping to have a couple of books finished. Plus I’ve barely blogged or blog hopped this month. I’m hoping to change that this month. *fingers crossed* I also think whenever work gets busy for me I don’t blog as much. I do use my free time at work to blog so that’s also partly why. Anyway, I’m excited to share what I read this month. I’m hoping next month is better. Let’s dive in!

The Dead Romantics By Ashley Poston

My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
My Thoughts: I’m a huge fan of Ashley Poston. So I was super excited to read this one. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this nearly as much as I thought I would. It took me pretty much the whole month of April to read it. I feel it just didn’t stick with me like her other books do. There were certain aspects I liked. I mean her family ran a funeral home which I feel is not something you see often, especially in romance books. I did really enjoy that aspect. I liked her family’s dynamic. I think I would have enjoyed this more without the romance.

I’m sad that in April I only read one book. I’m a bit disappointed but I just felt like I had a low will to read. Also, I haven’t been fully invested in the books I’m reading. I completely forgot I was reading the Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth. I think if I can’t fully get into it I’ll DNF. Here’s to hoping for a good May!

What books did you read in April? Any new favorites?

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3 thoughts on “April Wrap-up

  1. Never feel bad for low reading months. Sometimes you just need a break or have too much other life stuff going on. There’ll be months where you’re on fire and read a lot of books to balance it out.

    I’ve had the same thing with both reading and writing. It is what it is, but I don’t think of it negatively anymore – it’s just one of those cyclical events that happens. I leave judgement and guilt out of it and focus on what I enjoy ☺


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