Down The TBR Hole #105

Hey guys! It’s time for another Down The TBR Hole. Down the TBR Hole is a book meme that was originally created by Lia @ lost in a story but she has handed it over to Jody @ I’m Into Books. I’m super excited to be back this week! I missed doing this. I was on such a roll and then hit a slump. I’ve been reading and just read a book I really enjoyed. I’m excited! Let’s dive in to see what books are up this week!

TBR Start Number: 520
TBR Current Number: 339


Bridge of Souls By Victoria Schwab

Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation By Candace Owens

Before the Coffee Gets Cold By Toshikazu Kawaguchi, Geoffrey Trousselot (Translator)

The Sea of Monsters By Rick Riordan

The Answer Is…: Reflections on My Life By Alex Trebek

Where Dreams Descend By Janella Angeles

The Beautiful By Renée Ahdieh


Last Girls By Demetra Brodsky

Agnes at the End of the World By Kelly McWilliams

How We Fall Apart By Katie Zhao

TBR Current Number: 336

Well this week I barley got rid of anything. A couple of these books were continuations in a series I started a while ago. I’m usually bad at finishing series but I’ll get to these. I think once I finish removing the books from my TBR, I should do a TBR jar. That will help pick up some of these books.

If there’s ever any book I take off my TBR that you love or think I’ll love please feel free to let me know. I have no problem re-adding books lol.

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