Down The TBR #107

Hey guys! It’s time for another Down The TBR Hole. Down the TBR Hole is a book meme that was originally created by Lia @ lost in a story but she has handed it over to Jody @ I’m Into Books. I’ve barley had time to blog this week because work has been so nonstop. I’ve done both my posts a little later than normal this week. I’m just trying to post since I took a break. I do have to admit, I did add some books to my TBR but hoping to keep removing books to balance it out. Let’s dive in and see what pops up for this week!

TBR Start Number: 520
TBR Current Number: 333


Creature Feature By Steven Paul Leiva

Plain Bad Heroines By Emily M. Danforth

For Your Own Good By Samantha Downing


All That’s Fair By S.H. Cooper

Seven Deadly Shadows By Courtney Alameds, Valynne E. Maetani

The Space Between Worlds By Micaiah Johnson

Perfect on Paper By Sophie Gonzales

The Girl in the Mirror By Rose Carlyle

Ink By Jonathan Maberry

Pretty Little Wife By Darby Kane

TBR Current Number: 326

Wow, so I got rid of the majority of books this week. I honestly forgot about majority of these. So it’s nice to see that number go down. I feel it also makes up for the number of books I recently added to my TBR. I can’t believe I might be getting my TBR to under 300 books soon. It’s a very exciting feeling.

If there’s ever any book I take off my TBR that you love or think I’ll love please feel free to let me know. I have no problem re-adding books lol.

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