Down The TBR Hole #91

Hey guys! Happy New Year!! It’s my first Down The TBR Hole of the new year. I’ve been doing really well clearing up my TBR. I was hoping to get under 400 in 2023 but that will be happening in 2024. I’m so excited for the New Year. I have so much to share and so many posts to catch up on. I can’t wait. Let’s dive in to see what books pop up this week!

Down the TBR Hole is a book meme that was originally created by Lia @ lost in a story but she has handed it over to Jody @ I’m Into Books.

TBR Start Number: 520
TBR Current Number: 418

Continue reading “Down The TBR Hole #91”

Blogmas Day 5: Top Ten Tuesday – Freebie

Hey guys! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme for this week is Freebie. I’m going back to November 14th and doing Mainstream Popular Authors that I Still Have Not Read (Submitted by Rissa) theme. I wanted to do this one, however it’s one of the topics right when I came back from Japan. I was exhausted. I’m so excited to do this. I’ve been thinking about this one a bit. I’m excited to share my list and hopefully maybe read some of these authors in the future. Let’s dive in!

Continue reading “Blogmas Day 5: Top Ten Tuesday – Freebie”

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag

Hey guys! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme for this week is Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag. Happy 4th everyone! I’m from the USA so I’ll pick picking covers with red, white and blue in them. Let’s dive in to see my picks!

Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag”

September Haul

Hey guys! So I have been trying to hold back on buying books for a bit. It is hard but I have so many books I haven’t read yet. I did end up getting a decent amount of books this month but only reason was because my library was doing a sale where it’s $5 for a bag. So you know I had to take advantage of that. I ended up finding a good amount of books I wanted to read so I was very excited. So let’s dive in to see what I got! Continue reading “September Haul”