Kindle Unlimited TBR

Hey guys, I decided instead of doing a November TBR I would do a Kindle Unlimited TBR. I don’t really think I’ll be doing too much reading in November. I’m away for some of it then when I get back it’s almost Thanksgiving. I figured I’d still try. Plus I just got a Kindle for my birthday and have Kindle Unlimited for three months. I want to try to get my use out of it. So let’s dive in!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Freebie

Hey guys! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme for this week is Halloween Freebie. I decided to do Horror Novellas I’d like to read. Horror Novellas are something I love picking up. I can’t wait to pick these up in the future. Let’s dive in!

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Blogmas Day 3: November Wrap-up

Hey guys! It’s been so long since I’ve done a wrap-up. Last time I did one was in February. My reading ended up being put on hold for a bit and I wasn’t reading a lot. Thankfully I’ve been in a good reading groove. I’ve pretty much been reading books back to back so I’m really happy about that. I’m sure things will slow down with how busy December will be. Anyway, I’m excited to share with you the books I read in November. So let’s dive in!

Continue reading “Blogmas Day 3: November Wrap-up”

My Favorites of 2020

Hey guys I am finally talking about my favorite books of 2020. I just went through the books I ended up reading and I’m definitely struggling a bit to remember some of the plot from different books. I do feel a lot of what I did end up reading in 2020 was a blur. I know we all had a tough year so I’m sure I’m not alone in these feelings. I just feel some of these books I read way over a year ago. So please bare with me as I try to remember. I do have to say I feel 2021 reading is going better. I have been in the mood to physically read which I feel is a big step. So that has me really excited. Overall here is to hoping 2021 reading is better than 2020s. Let’s dive in to my favorites of 2020!

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Blogmas Day 20: New To Me Authors

Hey guys! Today I thought I would share with you some of the authors I read that were new to me this year. I originally wanted to talk about all of them but I had a lot. So I decided I would just narrow it down. I wanted to talk about authors I enjoyed and would pick up more of their books. So let’s dive in to see who those authors are.

Continue reading “Blogmas Day 20: New To Me Authors”

Blogmas Day 4: Baby It’s Cold Outside Book Tag

Hey guys! I am coming at you today with a lovely book Tag. I ended up finding this over on Luna @Bookish Luna blog. She did a wonderful post talking about Blogmas ideas which you can find HERE. I really highly recommend you checking her blog out if you haven’t already done so. She has such amazing content and is so creative.

This tag was created by  Erin over @Reading on a Star.


  • Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post.
  • Display the banner(copy and paste).
  • Link to the original creator: erin @ Reading On A Star !
  • Answer the questions!
  • Tag however many people as you want!

Snow Day – What’s your “comfort” book? 

Harry Potter By J.K. Rowling. I remember I had gotten a bunch of the books for Christmas one year. Then my Dad decided to read them to me before bed. It was always my favorite part of the day. Then as the books continued to come out we would go to the midnight release. So I have a lot of cherished memories for these books.

Snow Angels – What’s a book that you love so much you would want to be buried with it(a little morid, but…)? 

Hm this is a toughie for me. I am currently going through my Read book shelf on goodreads to see what sticks out to me.

(After a couple minutes of looking) Honestly this is harder than I thought. I kinda wanted to do a funny book title. Basically something to do with the situation I am in but it’s tough to pick one.

I decided on The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. That book gives me all the emotions. Also like how cool would it be to be buried dressed like Evelyn on the cover. I’m down.

Warm Socks – What’s a book that makes you feel warm inside?(The fluffiest, cutest romance you’ve ever read?) 

I’m looking at my favorite books and majority are thrillers. The romance books have a pretty sad storyline to them. Damn so I think I’ll have to go with Geekerella. I thought that was just cute an fluffy.

Hot Cocoa – What winter-themed novels have you previously read? 

One by One By Ruth Ware. That book took place during an avalanche where people were getting murdered and there was no where to go. It actually was a very enjoyable read. If you wanna hear more on my thoughts you can find my review Here.

Sledding – What’s a book with the best plot twists? Who’s an author that always keeps you on your toes? 

The Wife Between Us By Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. This book had me sucked in right from the start. I was shocked by the outcome of the story and didn’t except anything.

Ugly Sweaters – What’s a book with the ugliest cover?

End of Watch By Stephen King. The first two books ended up matching each other. Then they decided to switch things up for the last book. I ended up getting rid of all the books because I wasn’t into the third one at all.

Movie Marathon – What’s the last book you binge read?

Unboxed By Briana Morgan. I know it’s a short story and is written in play format but it’s the last book I remember sitting and finishing from start to finish. This book had me invested and I couldn’t put it down.

Letter to Santa – What’s a book that’s on your wishlist this year? 

Little Cruelties By Liz Nugent. Liz has become an autobuy author for me. I loved Lying in Wait and Unraveling Oliver. They were both just fantastic. Her third book which is Skin Deep was not published in the U.S. Thankfully my friend bought a copy from book depository. Anyway the moment I saw this was being published in the U.S. I knew I had to own it. I do hope I get it.

I Tag:

Bex @As Told By Bex

Destiny @Howling Libraries

Ashley @Falling Down the Book Hole

Whit @Whit Reads Lit

Flavia @Flavia The Bibliophile

Meeghan @Meeghan Reads

And whoever else wants to do this!

I had so much fun with this tag! I always enjoy doing them and then whenever I get tagged I always forget. I really enjoyed the Christmas theme with this one. I do hope more pop up. 


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Blogmas Day 3: October Wrap-up

Hey guys! So it is time for my October Wrap-up. I know that this is a bit late. I didn’t end up blogging during the month of November. I still wanted to update you guys on what I ended up reading in October. It did end up being a bit more than I remember. However I did read some short stories and some comics so that is part of it. I honestly felt like I read some of these books a while ago. My brain is definitely shot from this year. I do look forward to 2021 and starting a clean slate. I do hope it ends up being better. Anyway now let’s dive in to see what I read in October!

Continue reading “Blogmas Day 3: October Wrap-up”

The Hallotober Tag

Hey guys!! I am sorry I haven’t been blogging as much lately. I have been in bit of a blogging slump. I just haven’t been wanting to do posts as of late. I think part of it has to with everything going on right now. I have been reading. I just have been taking a break from social media. Mainly from Twitter. Anyway back to this Tag. The lovely Jenna @ J.K. I’m Exploring tagged me in this. She’s amazing and if you aren’t following her you need. This tag was created by Jordanne @ The Life of A Glasgow Girl (as is the header image). So let’s dive in!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2020 TBR

Hey guys!!! It’s time again for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s theme is Books On My Fall 2020 TBR. So I decided I’m going to split this up. The first five books will be books I hope to read in October and then the other five books will be ones I hope to read in November. These are subject to change. So let’s dive in to see what books I’d like to read this Fall!

Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2020 TBR”