Down The TBR Hole #84

Hey guys! I’m back doing the Down the TBR Hole is a book meme that was originally created by Lia @ lost in a story but she has handed it over to Jody @ I’m Into Books. I almost got rid of 10 books last week. I almost wanted to do a full 10 but I do want to read The Secret Garden. Let’s see what happens with this week’s 10 books. Let’s dive in!

TBR Start Number: 520
TBR Current Number: 463 (but technically 465)


The Deep End By Julie Mulhern

Breakfast of Champions By Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Black Sunday By Thomas Harris

Alice By Christina Henry


Brother By Ania Ahlborn (May end up picking up because it’s an Unlimited title)

What She Knew By Gilly Macmillan

The Stand By Stephen King, Bernie Wrightson (Illustrator)

Good in Bed By Jennifer Weiner

The Fireman By Joe Hill

The Runaway Jury By John Grisham

TBR Current Number: 457 (Technically 459)

I actually kept some books this time. I think since I got rid of so many last time, I’m letting myself keep some books I’m unsure of. At the end of the day, I can always just add it back to my TBR.

If there’s ever any book I take off my TBR that you love or think I’ll love please feel free to let me know. I have no problem re-adding books lol.

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